Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this DMCA notice on behalf of myself, Vaibhav Nirmal, the author and owner of the website Dictionary Union at I have discovered that my copyrighted content has been unlawfully copied and published on another website without my permission.

The infringing website is [ ], and it has copied the following content from Dictionary Union without my permission:

This unauthorized use of my content is a violation of my exclusive rights as the owner of the copyrighted work, and it constitutes copyright infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

I hereby demand that the infringing website immediately remove the copied content and any other infringing materials from its website.

In addition, I request that the infringing website owner contact me immediately to resolve this issue. My contact information is as follows:

1) Website Name – Dictionary Union
2) Website URL –
3) Author name – Vaibhav Nirmal
4) Gmail id –
5) Moblie Number – 8208127993

I have a good faith belief that the use of my copyrighted material is not authorized by law and that the information contained in this DMCA notice is accurate.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[ Vaibhav Nirmal ]